A reliable power supply is imperative if you want to make sure manoeuvring your caravan with the Truma Mover® is possible at any time. In conjunction with the Mover® PowerSet, the Truma SolarSet 23 protects the battery of the Truma Mover® against deep discharging. The set also maintains the voltage in the battery, even when it is overcast outside.

Truma Solarset
It is important to keep the battery of the Truma Mover® PowerSet fully charged because the SolarSet23 is only suitable for maintaining the charging level. The Truma BC10 charger is ideal for gentle charging.
Deep discharging and its consequences
The battery has deep discharged, if the battery voltage drops below 10.8 Volt, i.e. more capacity has been drawn from the battery than allowed. The battery capacity should not drop below 70 percent; this ensures a long service life that is measured in charging cycles.
The following factors can lead to deep discharging: Continue reading