Some of our units have an error code that gives us more detailed information about the cause of the error.
The flashing code is similar to a Morse code. This means short and long flashing characters in an individual sequence (e.g. short, long, ls slls).
This can be used to offer faster help when contacting your dealer, service partner or our service centre.
On the Mover models, the flashing code consists of eight consecutive characters. This is repeated several times, each time starting anew after a pause of approx. three seconds.
As soon as a fault is indicated on the remote control, the LED (j) on the control unit emits the flashing code.
8 flashing signs
These mover models have the flashing code output:
Mover XT models
Mover SX
Mover SR
Combi 4/6 (E)
With the Combi Gas connected to the CP classic analogue control unit, the flashing code also provides more precise information on the cause of the fault.
If the control unit reports a malfunction, the cause can be narrowed down more precisely using the flashing code on the heating board.
For Combis manufactured before 06/2018, there are eight flashes of the red LED. For Combis produced later, the number was increased to ten characters.
Combi before 06/2018 – 8 flashing signs Combi after 06/2018 – 10 flashing signs
You are welcome to send us flashing codes by e-mail as a video or directly name them by telephone.