Truma – the original

Camping is on everyone’s lips, the industry is booming.
The demand is high, the supply is growing.

Unfortunately, the money that can supposedly be made quickly has led to a number of black sheep jumping on the bandwagon, in addition to many qualified dealers.

Free riders sell products under our name that are not original Truma products.

We will therefore show you today how you can recognize original Truma devices.

  • the type plate: each of our products is provided with a type plate at the factory. In addition to information about the device, you will also find the manufacturer’s details and legal identifiers (e.g. CE):
  • the Truma logo: 70 years of company history is also symbolized by our Truma company logo. This can be found on each of our devices. Sometimes printed, sometimes glued on. But always easily recognizable.
  • Our outstanding service: For Truma original products, you receive a manufacturer’s warranty of 24 months in addition to the statutory warranty. In addition to our service partner network, we offer telephone support and mobile service technicians throughout Germany.
  • quality: Truma stands for quality and reliability, for transparency and information. Our official homepage is maintained with a lot of information for you. Product information, product pictures and contact details for us and our dealers and service partners can be found there.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or uncertainties.

Feedback on app version 4.12.5 (iOS only)

Our app version 4.12.5 is the reaction to a bug that occurred under iOS 15.1.

The SMS function was affected, specifically the generation of an SMS (remote control/status query).

Please let us know your experience with the new app version. Is the (multiple) generation of SMS messages possible again without restrictions?

Please state in your feedback which iPhone is being used and whether the system is on the latest software version (app version 4.12.5, iNet Box FW 2.09.06).

Thank you very much for your participation.

Truma iNet X System – What you always wanted to know

We would like to inform you transparently about the new system solution and offer a platform for exchange as well as answer questions for the community in the long term.

You can find the basic product information at

There will be two different panels, a retrofit solution for you as the end customer, the Truma iNet X Panel and the Truma iNet X Pro Panel, which will be installed in new vehicles directly by the vehicle manufacturer before delivery

Both systems were presented at the Caravan Salon in Düsseldorf, so you have already been able to gather your first impressions.

The Truma iNet X retrofit panel will be available in stores in spring 2022.

The panels communicate at close range via Bluetooth. With our Truma iNet X App, you can therefore use the full scope (varies depending on the vehicle equipment). A far-field module, for communication outside the close range, will be introduced in future as well.

If you have feature requests or ideas, then you can actively help shape the range of functions. To do so, please take part in our Open Innovation
Your wishes and ideas are collected centrally via this channel, evaluated and incorporated into the project.

If you simply have questions about the iNet X system, feel free to use the comment function on this blog post.

We look forward to exchanging ideas with you.

New update for the Truma App (4.10.0) and Truma iNet Box (2.09.06)

New technical requirements have been realised with this update.

This includes the required adjustment of Angular JS to Version 1.8.

Furthermore, optimisations have been made, which enhance your user experience.

  1. Rework of the GSM setup for refined SIM card detection.
  2. Differentiated display of fault reports via SMS.
    You will know directly from the SMS whether a warning or fault is involved.

We look forward to your feedback on the new version.

Mover and Combi flashing codes

Some of our units have an error code that gives us more detailed information about the cause of the error.

The flashing code is similar to a Morse code. This means short and long flashing characters in an individual sequence (e.g. short, long, ls slls).

This can be used to offer faster help when contacting your dealer, service partner or our service centre.


On the Mover models, the flashing code consists of eight consecutive characters. This is repeated several times, each time starting anew after a pause of approx. three seconds.

As soon as a fault is indicated on the remote control, the LED (j) on the control unit emits the flashing code.

8 flashing signs

These mover models have the flashing code output:

  • Mover XT models
  • Mover SX
  • Mover SER/TER
  • Mover SR


Combi 4/6 (E)

With the Combi Gas connected to the CP classic analogue control unit, the flashing code also provides more precise information on the cause of the fault.

If the control unit reports a malfunction, the cause can be narrowed down more precisely using the flashing code on the heating board.

For Combis manufactured before 06/2018, there are eight flashes of the red LED. For Combis produced later, the number was increased to ten characters.

Combi before 06/2018 – 8 flashing signs
Combi after 06/2018 – 10 flashing signs

You are welcome to send us flashing codes by e-mail as a video or directly name them by telephone.

Peculiarities of gas cylinders in connection with the LevelControl

The LevelControl measures the cylinder level via ultrasound. For this, it is necessary that the coupling pad of the device has clean contact with the bottom of the gas cylinder.

Suitable are upright (propane / butane – LPG) steel or aluminium gas cylinders with a diameter of 200 to 350 mm.

Depending on the cylinder type and age, there may be different obstacles to clean measurement.

Here are some examples of obstacles and the corresponding solutions:

Bottle heavily rusted/dirty

Due to the uneven surfaces caused by rust, the ultrasonic signal can no longer penetrate cleanly into the bottle. A measurement is therefore not possible.

In this case, it is recommended to mount the LevelControl in such a way that the coupling pad rests on a surface that is as smooth as possible. In severe cases, the only solution is to replace the bottle.

Bottle stand base too narrow

On such a bottle, the LevelControl has no place underneath. The bottle rests with its entire weight on the LevelControl and squeezes the coupling cushion. This also means that no measurement is possible.

The supplied feet or other distance blocks can provide a remedy.

Bottle base dented/flattened on the underside

If the LevelControl is attached to the centre of such bottles, the coupling pad no longer rests on the ground as desired. A measurement is therefore not possible at this point.

In this case, simply move the LevelControl a little out of the centre.

Tank bottles/gas tanks

Tank bottles have a special interior that enables refuelling (fuel indicator, etc.). This interior deflects the ultrasonic signal of the LevelControl so that no measurement result can be calculated and displayed.

The LevelControl cannot be used on such bottles/tanks.

Thanks to the customers who sent us the photos for better clarification.

W255H in digital control panel or no device detection after reset

You see the warning message “W255H” on your digital display and cannot control your heating anymore?
This primarily indicates a connection problem between the digital control panel and the heating. In this state, commands entered cannot be transmitted or cannot be transmitted correctly.

A reset on the CP plus is not used to delete an error, but corresponds to an initialisation, i.e. a device search.
If the reset is carried out while there is a connection problem to the heating, the heating menu is completely lost. Only the time and the setup symbol remain.

Two factors can be considered as causes of the connection problem:

  1. 12 V power supply

Communication is only possible if the heater is powered in addition to the control unit. If this is not the case, the control panel responds with the message W255H.
Please check the heating fuse in your electrical block as well as the fuse on the control board of the heating (Combi) or in the supply line (Varioheat). Replace a defective fuse if necessary.

Note: In our installation instructions, we recommend installing our units on permanent plus.
This means that the power supply to our units cannot be switched off by the central control element (main panel). There should be a permanent connection via the electrical block to the body battery.

  1. TIN connection cable

The TIN cable is used to transmit commands from the control panel to the heater. If this connection is interrupted, the control panel responds with the message W255H.
Please check whether the plug of the TIN cable is correctly seated in the socket on both the control element and the control board of the heater.

As soon as the cause is eliminated, the warning message disappears automatically from the display.

Advice for Combi D: If the installed TIN cables exceed a total length of 12 metres, an error may occur in the communication with the digital control unit (W255H). The “control panel cable coupling” accessory provides a remedy.

Please place this coupling between the TIN socket on the heater and the TIN cable. If two TIN sockets are occupied, it does not matter which of the two TIN cables the coupling is used with.

The article “control panel cable coupling” can be ordered from our specialist dealer (part number 39050-00175).

New update for the Truma App (4.9.3) and Truma iNet Box (2.09.00)

  • We have added a few new features to the Truma LevelControl functions in the app. You can now easily initiate a new measurement. The result is also now shown together with the time of the measurement.
  • Alde heater owners can now activate / deactivate automatic climate control via SMS if they have a Truma air conditioning system installed.
  • We also have good news for all Combi D users:
    The “255H” and “164 H” bugs (continuous sending of SMS) have been fixed with this update and the heater can once again be used without restrictions.


This is how you can see what the status of the system is or whether an update is pending.

  1. open the Truma App – Settings – “iNet Box Update”
  2. at the bottom you will see the version information
  3. after the current update, these are:

Truma App version = current state of your app
iNet Box FW = Firmware version of your iNetBox
Server = available firmware version (update) on the Truma server
Local = firmware version, you have downloaded

If you have any questions or feedback, please use the comment function.
We look forward to exchanging ideas with you.